Tuesday, March 6, 2024
Bible Verse: Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Happy Birthday!
- Qualifying Junior or Senior students who wish to apply for membership in the Lutheran High School Chapter of the National Honor Society must submit proper completed forms to Mrs. Quigg no later than 3:15 pm on Friday, March 8.
- Thursday’s lunch is Cracker Barrel baked potato bar & salad. Orders and payment are due today by 3:15.
- Juniors wishing to enroll in Computer Applications for 4th quarter this year need to sign up on the sheet in Mrs. Koopman’s room by the end of the day Thursday!
- Concordia University Chicago will be here to meet with students Thursday during lunch.
- Scholastic Bowl Update: Thank you, thank you to the entire Scholastic Bowl Team for an incredibly fun season! Tristyn, Anna, Jocelyn, Dane, Ella, Hannah, and Jordan had a great season, learned a ton, and had fun together. Great Job team!
- Lutherans for Life Essay Contest is open for submissions. Deadline is April 1. Visit lutheransforlife.org for more information.
Posted in Daily Shield