
Monday, March 4, 2024

Bible Verse:  1 Chronicles 16:25   Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.

Happy Birthday! 

Conor M

  1. Qualifying Junior or Senior students who wish to apply for membership in the Lutheran High School Chapter of the National Honor Society must submit proper completed forms to Mrs. Quigg no later than 3:15 pm on Friday, March 8.  
  2. Our Savior’s is looking for responsible teenagers to work at their Summer Camp.  Please contact Alissa Mercier at 217.546.4531 or 
  3. Thursday’s lunch is Cracker Barrel baked potato bar & salad.  Orders and payment are due tomorrow by 3:15.
  4. Shopper’s Blessing orders due to Mrs. Haynes by 11:45 today.
  5. Please sign up for your class basket donation and for the items needed for the March 20th Lenten Meal.
  6. Freshmen class meeting in the gym today during break to discuss Tuesday’s Drive-thru dinner.
  7. Juniors wishing to enroll in Computer Applications for 4th quarter this year need to sign up on the sheet in Mrs. Koopman’s room by the end of the day Thursday!
  8. Concordia Chicago will be here to meet with students Thursday, March 7 during lunch.

Tonight’s Activities:

Scholastic Bowl vs. Delavan @ Pleasant Plains High School 4:30

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