LuHi’s 2025 Spring Auction will be held on April 4, 2025
Northfield Inn & Conference Center
3280 Northfield Dr
Springfield Illinois
Now that Christmas is over, why not think about donating an item for our auction.
It’s the gift that keeps on giving all year long!
Please use the links below to buy your individual tickets, sponsor a table or make a donation if you are unable to attend.
You may also make a gift basket for our auction. Click on the Basket donation link to provide information about your basket.
To see our auction items, click on the link below and get ready to bid!
Individual Tickets
$50 each
Sponsorship Levels are:
$750 (8 tickets, full page add in our book, table sign)
$500 (4 tickets, one-half page add, table sign)
$250 (2 tickets, name on sign on appetizer table)
$100 (no tickets, name listed in our program)